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The Perseids arrive, the long-awaited celestial spectacle of the summer, also known as the Tears of Saint Lawrence .


Although the maximum (time when we can see more shooting stars) will occur on the night of August 12 to 13, many of them are already being seen ( from July 17 to August 26 ).


They are chunks, the size of a chickpea, from Comet Swift-Tuttle. These rub against the upper layers of our atmosphere at speeds of around 60 km/sec, and in whose trace-line we can see, in some cases, a greenish color due to its chemical composition.


For its observation it is only necessary our eyes (in a dark place) and to have patience. Some predictions speak of more than 100 meteors per hour, during the night of the maximum, but we must bear in mind that our eyes are not capable of covering the entire sky and, therefore, many will escape us.

ASTRONORTE offers you the opportunity to enjoy them in an observation accompanied by our Starlights guides, in which you will also learn about many other objects in our Universe, which you will be able to see through our telescopes.

Reserve your place now in our CALENDAR .


DOWNLOAD the brochure with more information about the Perseids


telescope at sunset.jpeg
Observation in a private place in small groups
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